Monday, 20 February 2012

Keep this in mind...

Here some important sentences we must keep in mind...

"All humans live in an occupied land where they are oppressed and hunted by their overlords the vampires.
Humans are like mice in the land of cats, with all that implies.
Humans are universally seen as animals, as food."

"You are here to be bitten. Or at least evade being bitten by clever RP. You are not here to chat with others of your kind and look pretty."

"The human condition is never happy, just endured."

What about our attire ?
"I have described them as looking more like the upper classes in France a while after the revolution began to bite, nervous and always on their guard, their grandiose appearance slowly becoming worn and shabby, dirty at the edges.
Do you think a vampire society would stand for a class that out dressed them?
No, all outward displays of arrogance would be seen as a subtle attack on authority. "

Who are we ?
"Borhesia are not all upper class Citizens!"

"There is very little difference between a Borghesia and a Paesani.
The difference is that if a Borghesia is attacked on the street they have the right to lodge a complaint. That’s all. "

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